by Eric Totten
One of the Greatest Gifts a Father can give his Son or Daughter is Time spent together.
by Eric Totten
by Eric Totten
The Dads of the Park Ridge Wilderness Scouts and Princesses were at work over the weekend setting up for our annual Tree Sale. We’re looking forward to another great year of raising funds for local charities.
It starts this Friday at 4:30pm – the day after Thanksgiving – come on out for a tree, a wreath, some garland, or a tree ornament.
Come support a great cause and a long standing tradition!
by Eric Totten
As we bade farewell to Summer and embraced the onset of Autumn, we returned to beloved Brookston, Indiana for the gathering of the Tribes at the Iroquois Fall Campout. Camp Tecumseh conspired with Mother Nature to provide us with the perfect environment for event, where many things took place.
The girls expressed their creativity…
…strove for greatness…
…and soared to new heights…
…whilst dads relived those glory days.
We also trained in proper pyrotechnics…
…dialed in proper aim…
and honed the craft of scaring people out of their wits…
and got to wag our tails.
Our leaders brought wisdom’s great light; the Tecumseh staff brought the boom-chicka night…
and we probed depths from which we could only hope to return.
It was a lovely campout and a solid start to the Iroquois 2024-2024 season. Thank you Camp Tecumseh!
by Eric Totten
Just as the jubilant month of July was adjourning in 2024, our Scouts and Princesses (and a few frivolous fathers) enjoyed some serious sliding, splashing, and snacks at the Centennial Aquatic Center.
Some struggled through the shoulder stressing cargo net and subsequently celebrated success…
…whilst others harvested their happiness in hoops and hobnobbing.
But let us not languish in the last little allowances of the Summer, but alternatively anticipate Autumn’s amusements in the advent of the 2024-2025 season!
by Eric Totten
It may be summer, but our treemasters are already getting updates and improvements ready for the Christmas Tree Lot for 2024!
by Eric Totten
The Mighty Iroquois made our annual trek up to the land of cheese, brandy, and rather successful football franchises to the fabled Camp Minikani, nestled in the lovely town of Hubertus, WI.
Evading devices, cities, and maternal surveillance, we experienced nature close up…
…participated in the games, hosted by the Powhatan, as well as a pick-up, cross-Tribal game of Gaga Ball…
…constructed nature sculptures and hunted plates spread throughout the camp…
…salivated as the chosen Tribal grillmasters squared-off in the annual cookoff…
…and gathered at the Council Fire ceremony where we heard wise words one last time from our outgoing Chiefs and welcomed the new ones into our midst.
One princess was recognized with the SPARC (Special Princess Acting Responsibly in the Community) for her generosity with her time and efforts. Two other princesses who won the Fall and Winter patch designs received the plaques displaying their creations.
As is our custom in the Spring, it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to some our our graduating long time super elders who will be venturing forth into that crazy plane of existence which we can only refer to as “high school”…
All in all the 4 Tribes had a great time, ending the year with a bang, and we look forward to next season’s start in the Fall!
Thanks Camp Minikani, we love you, no FIB’ing 🙂