The weekend of October 23rd was an eventful one for the Algonquin Nation of the Park Ridge Wilderness Princesses, as it was the first overnight campout for the Nation in over a year and a half due to COVID-19. Over 120 strong, the five tribes of the Algonquin Nation (Apache, Cherokee, Huron, Ojibwa and Yuma) had their Fall campout at Camp Nageela/Henry Horner in Ingleside, Illinois.
Over the weekend, they participated in the first-ever Amazing Race competition (the Huron/Ojibwa tribes who teamed up won the event) and bingo competition where virtually all of the princesses won prizes.
The traditional Nation Council Fire welcomed the many new (or first-time camper) princesses to the Nation and was a blast for all in attendance.
“When is the next campout?”, you might ask. Continuing the father-daughter tradition in the PRWSP of overnight campouts, the Algonquin Nation looks forward to their scheduled Winter Campout at Camp Duncan (also in Ingleside) the last weekend in February 2022.