This past Monday the Binz family led a Chocolate Fondue party like no other. There were no warm and delicious chocolate strawberries and pineapple chunks impaled at the end of long thin metal skewers. Instead the Binz family treated the PR Sauk tribe to dried crickets. Yes, crickets… WE ATE BUGS!!!
The boys have been talking and worrying about the cricket eating meeting for at least a week. The scouts received a reprieve when the original meeting, which was scheduled a week prior, was cancelled due to poor weather conditions. But now the time had come to eat both dinner and dessert at the same time.
The Binz family started the meeting with a science lesson (Joe Ott approved!) where each dad and son was required to diagram the anatomy of the cricket. The Binz’s wanted the tribe to know exactly what they were eating. The tribal members thoroughly appreciated seeing the wings, thorax, antenna and all of the other bug parts that were going into their mouths. MMMMM… GOOD!
Kudos to biology major Matt Hachigian and his boys Mike and John for correctly identifying all of the cricket body parts. They earned the first servings of cricket fondue. Nick Hachigian was missed due to hockey practice. Dad, Matt, surely brought some tasty bugs home for his son to try.
TIME TO EAT!!! Chris Binz helped the scouts dip their crickets in chocolate. After the dip, the boys went to their tables to sit down as the chocolate hardened and they ate their slightly crunchy chocolate dipped crickets. YUM! This is not on the menu at the Melting Pot.
“Can I have more?” was actually asked by several of the boys. Many went back for seconds and thirds… really. One of the dads commented that plain crickets tasted like sunflower seeds but with a different texture. The taste was not too far away from that. Apparently, insects are a great source of protein. It is not part of the American diet but insects are consumed in parts of Asia and Africa.
The Sauk tribe would like to thank the Binz family for delivering one of the most original and educational craft meetings of all times.
If anyone is interested, Chris said that he was able to order the crickets on Enjoy!