Horseback riding, wall climbing, candle making, archery, fishing, games and riflery can only mean one thing… it is camp out season for the Park Ridge Wilderness Scouts and Princesses. This past weekend the Park Ridge Iroquois Nation visited Camp Tecumseh in Indiana. The girls played day and night while the dads participated in the games and then grilled and smoked meats for their tribes. It was fun for all!
Steve Quinlivan, Chief of the Crow, earns the top spot on the web page (pictured above) with his creative headgear at this past camp out. Steve is one of the Federation’s most active members. He is a retired Federation Treasurer, a retired Tree Master, and a former Tribal Chief of the Mighty Dakota with the Park Ridge Winnebago Nation (boys). Steve gives a great deal of his time and energy to the organization to make sure that the kids and dads involved have memorable experiences.