Not only a strong leader for our Crow Tribe, Perrin Stephens has served as our Nation’s Wampum Bearer for the past four years, managing the countless dues, fees and campout checks, as well as coordinating all of the campouts. Perrin and his daughters complete their time with the Iroquois this year, following our annual Spring Campout in June. Here, Perrin reflects on the takeaways from their time with the Iroquois:
What a great opportunity I had as a Father to spend invaluable one-on-one time with both of my Daughters. As the saying goes, “Don’t blink, or you’ll miss your kids growing up.” For 6 years, I have been a Member of the Mighty Iroquois Nation and proud Brave of the Crow Tribe, having served as a Tribal Chief and Nation Wampum Bearer (Treasurer) for 4 of those 6 years. I remember my wife telling me how she remembers her time spent with her Dad when they were a part of the PR Indian Scouts (PRIS), and that sealed the deal for me.
Our takeaways are simple: we have enjoyed the chance to be together in environments that we may not have had the chance to do otherwise, from campouts, to parade marches, to museums and various other places that have helped to cement memories that we all believe will stay with us.
For my Daughters, they made new friends, many of which they didn’t know through school or the neighborhood. For me, I met some great Dads, many of whom are still in my network of friends and colleagues. The relationships built over 6 years are not easily forgotten – nor should they be – and I feel that all of us will cherish these relationships as we move through life.
Lastly I think the values that PRISIP instills through the 7 Aims are very thoughtful and easily remembered so that they can be practiced daily. I think for us the key value has been “To bring honor to and to increase the love within my family”.
Together Forever as Father and Daughter. —Perrin, Claire & Sarah Stephens