For the third year in the row, the Park Ridge Indian Scouts and Indian Princess organization has rallied a “coalition of the willing” to help ensure that the holidays in Park Ridge are not only merry but bright.
Working with a diverse pool of resources to provide management, coordination, administrative support and strong backs in addition to significant funds, Park Ridge Indian Scouts and Indian Princesses is joined by members of the Park Ridge Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis, Rotary, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Advocate Health Care, the Center for Concern, and Rainbow Hospice in realizing this initiative. Additional financial support for this massive undertaking comes from a host of others, including private citizens, with many local businesses also generously providing food, space, power, and more.
Says PRISIP Federation Chief Scott Richter: “I can’t express how proud I am to be a member of this community as everyone has “put their money where their mouth is” and is following through with their respective promises and commitments. Funds to purchase lights have been raised. Donations of time, material, equipment, food, etc. have materialized. And we have a core group of guys that have been, and will continue to be, out in the streets spending the time doing the things that need to be done to prepare for light stringing day and beyond.”
For members of the Park Ridge Indian Scouts and Indian Princess tribes, just as in years past, we will need all hands on deck with as many children and dads as possible to help this group hang lights on the morning of Saturday, November 12th.
We’ll get started as early as 7 am and use the empty storefront at 116 Main Street (formerly Dominick’s Kitchen Store) as our base of operations. All lights, tape, stringing poles, cable ties, etc. will be provided. Dads are asked to bring is something to cut/trim cable ties, as well as ladders if they have them. Those with ladders can do the taller trees but many trees can be done with just a pole. Once again, we have all trees numbered and will hand out the maps and supplies for each individual tree to our volunteers. PRISIP is responsible for stringing a little over half the trees encompassed in the project, and the support and efforts of our members are appreciated.
Members should plan to join us for group photo on the steps of City Hall and plenty of food and drinks for all immediately following the tree lighting at noon on the 12th. Spouses, and children too young or unable to help with the stringing the lights are welcome and encouraged to attend.
In addition to the volunteers needed on November 12th, we could use several dads with ladders to come out this coming Saturday October 29th and help run the remaining power cords. We have made great strides the past few weeks getting power to many of the trees without base whips, but there is still many that need to be addressed in order to be ready for lights up day. Again, instructions, maps, supplies, coffee donuts, etc. will be provided. This will kick off in the library parking lot near the clock at the corner of Prospect and Summit at 6 am Saturday, October 29th.
Adds Fed Chief Richter: “I thank you all in advance for your help; it is my belief that this is truly a worthwhile endeavor and one that we all get a great deal of enjoyment from as Fathers and Daughters, as Fathers and Sons.”
More to follow – bring on the volunteers!
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